
Pixaby- "Stunning Free Images"

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Deborah Rook onto Free Stock Images and Illustrations

Lukaszadam Illustrations

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Deborah Rook onto Free Stock Images and Illustrations

Visual Hunt- Free Stock Photos

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Deborah Rook onto Free Stock Images and Illustrations

Undraw Illustrations

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Deborah Rook onto Free Stock Images and Illustrations

Accessible Teaching in the Time of COVID-19

Blog post with some practical tips focusing on accessibility but that are also connected to UDL

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The Why of UDL

A video that provides an overview of Universal Design for Learning and why it is important. 

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UDL Guidelines from CAST

At this link is a version of the guidelines with clickable headers and checkpoints. More information is provided for each guideline.

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How UDL Can Support Your Transition to Online Teaching

Crowd-sourced table of online teaching practices that align to the UDL guidelines specific to the affective network

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Jo Boaler's TEDx Stanford Talk

Jo Boaler discusses mathematical mindsets. Also linked is her website, youcubed with further information and resources

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The growing importance of data literacy in life science education

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Deborah Rook onto For FMNs- Other Useful Resources

Ideas For Group-based Data Analysis Project Assessment: The Carpentries Forum

This is a public discussion board in The Carpentries Forum.  The original question is "Ideas needed for assessment of group-based data analysis project".  I thought the responses would be of interest to many in this FMN.  

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Deborah Rook onto For FMNs- Assessment

A Primer for Developing Measures of Science Content Knowledge for Small-Scale Research and Instructional Use

Bass et al. 2016.  This paper is an optional read for those very interested in assessment.  Of particular interest are Figure 2 (a process to think about/create assessment) and Table 3 (tips for writing multiple choice questions).  

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Deborah Rook onto For FMNs- Assessment

SERC's resources for assessment

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Deborah Rook onto For FMNs- Assessment

Stop telling kids you’re bad at math. You are spreading math anxiety ‘like a virus.’

Nice article that ends with a call for growth mindset, rather than math anxiety.

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Deborah Rook onto FOR FMNs- Math Anxiety

Is math anxiety always bad for math learning? The role of math movitation

This is the primary lit article from the Science Daily summary Kaci posted.  

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Deborah Rook onto FOR FMNs- Math Anxiety

When people worry about math, the brain feels the pain

Math hurts - if you have anxiety about it.

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Deborah Rook onto FOR FMNs- Math Anxiety


The BIOMAAP program is an NSF funded project to develop materials and interventions to address math anxiety in our biology students.

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Deborah Rook onto FOR FMNs- Math Anxiety


These modules introduce students (and anyone else who's interested) to the mathematical underpinnings of what they learn in introductory biology courses. But unlike a textbook, the modules are not full of equations and proofs. Instead, we try to bring math to life using intuitive approaches, everyday situations, and even humor. The modules contain hundreds of interactive activities, games, and questions. They range from the relatively simple (what to do with division) to the relatively abstruse (discrete diffusion models).

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Education resources on Data Nugget website

On our Data Nugget website we have a Resources page where we collect all of the great education resources that have come to our attention over the years. We'll be sure to update it with all the suggestions you share here! 

The resources are organized by the science or math concepts addressed, and we have a list of other great educational program websites.

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HHMI BioInteractive teacher guide for math and stats

Topics include measures of average (mean, median, and mode), variability (range and standard deviation), uncertainty (standard error and 95% confidence interval), Chi-square analysis, student t-test, Hardy-Weinberg equation, frequency calculations, and more. 

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EDSIN Community Connections

A resource for members to connect with each other based on your interests and expertise. The spreadsheet has three tabs. One (Topics of Interest) captures the topics proposed for discussion via our Slack group with links to notes from those discussions. The other two (Asks/Offers) are meant to offer a way to make requests (I would like help with..) and to let the community know what expertise you can offer (I can help with...). Members are invited to add content to the spreadsheet whenever you have content to add. 

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Alycia Crall onto Community

Course outline

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Lisa Scheifele onto BAG at BUGSS lab 2020