
Captioning Tip Sheet

the closed captioning symbol

A quick reference for captioners with guidance on caption placement, line division, fonts, editing, music, grammar, sound effects, speaker identification, and slang.

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Grackle Docs

image of a grackle in a speech bubble

A free browser add-on which checks Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets for accessibility issues, and directs you in how to fix the issues.

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Make your Google document or presentation more accessible

photograph of a gray laptop

Tips for making your Google docs more readable by everyone.

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Equity by Design: Delivering on the power and promise of UDL

Photo of the cover of the book Equity by Design

"Equity by Design is intended to serve as a blueprint for teachers to alter the all-too-predictable outcomes for our historically under-served students. A first of its kind resource, the book makes the critical link between social justice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) so that we can equip students (and teachers, too) with the will, skill, and collective capacity to enact positive change."

Chardin, M., & Novak, K. (2021). Equity by design: Delivering on the power and promise of UDL. Corwin A Sage Company.

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

STEM OER Accessibility Framework: A Practical Guide for Curators and Authors of STEM Open Educational Resources

An image of the STEM OER Accessibility Framework's title page

A comprehensive practical reference for curators and authors of STEM OER. See also Jimes, C., Evans Godwin, A., Fox, S., Karaglani, A., Lobaito, N. (2021). STEM OER Accessibility Framework and Guidebook. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/ERXF-AH09

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Image Accessibility in STEM

person holding brown eyeglasses

A Canvas course module on image accessibility in STEM, designed for post-secondary faculty. It uses Silktide, which is a website accessibility simulator.

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Addressing Neurodiversity Through Universal Design

stylized and colorful image of a brain

Details special strategies for neurodiversity.

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Universal Design for Learning: 5 Strategies That Benefit Neurodiverse Students

cartoon of a student with a shadow of a caped figure at the foot of a staircase

Details special strategies for students with ADHD

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Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

image of the UDL Guidelines tool

Interactive tool to use for implementing the Universal Design for Learning.

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Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education

front cover image of the book Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone

A book by Thomas Tobin and Kristen Behling, written for "faculty members, faculty-service staff, disability support providers, student-service staff, campus leaders, and graduate students who want to strengthen the engagement, interaction, and performance of all college students."

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

UDL Progression Rubric

an image of the UDL Progression Rubric lying on a wooden table

A rubric by Katie Novak & Kristan Rodriguez to use to measure your progress in putting the UDL framework into practice in a classroom 

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Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning Infographic

A helpful summary infographic on using UDL by Understood By All

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UDL on campus

photo of a stack of books

Step-by-step guides on how to develop an UDL syllabus, media and materials, etc.

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UDL at a glance video

video still image

Five minute video on how to use the UDL framework.

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About Universal Design for Learning

Text stating that CAST's mission is to transform education design and practice until learning has no limits.

Main website for Universal Design for Learning 

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

Compilation of concept inventories from the University of Pittsburgh’s dB-SERC

dbserc logo

A collection of published concept inventories, organized by biological topic. Also includes surveys to evaluate student attitudes, such as motivation and self-efficacy. 

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Compilation of concept inventories from the National Institute on Scientific Teaching

The words National Institute on Scientific Teaching

A collection published concept inventories, organized by biological topic. Also includes surveys to evaluate student attitudes, such as motivation and self-efficacy. 

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Methods from Kirby et al. 2019 (The Figure of the Day: A Classroom Activity to Improve Students' Figure Creation Skills in Biology) evaluating the effectiveness of the “Figure of the Day” graphical exercise

a drawing of a graph on a table with a ruler

A rubric evaluating how the activity affects students’ figure creation abilities is given in Table 1.

See also Figure of the Day

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Suann Yang onto Quantitative Assessments

Quantitative Literacy VALUES Rubric

AACU VALUE rubrics

A rubric for a broad assessment of quantitative skills such as interpretation, representation, calculation, applications, assumptions, and communication.  The rubric is available as a free download.

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Suann Yang onto Quantitative Assessments

Rubric for Experimental Design (RED)

a graph

A published rubric designed and validated to identify challenges and measure knowledge of experimental design.  The rubric is Table 2 of Dasgupta et al. 2017, or linked here with some examples.

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Suann Yang onto Quantitative Assessments

Developing a Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS): Measuring Undergraduates’ Evaluation of Scientific Information and Arguments

a graphA published instrument to assess major aspects of scientific literacy, including students’ ability to recognize and analyze the use of methods of inquiry that lead to scientific knowledge and their ability to organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data and scientific information.

Available as supplemental material 

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Suann Yang onto Quantitative Assessments

Biological Variation In Experimental Design And Analysis (BioVEDA)

a graph

A published instrument to evaluate students’ understanding of biological variation in the context of experimental design and analysis.

Available as supplemental material

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Suann Yang onto Quantitative Assessments

Biological Science Quantitative Reasoning Exam (BioSQuaRE)

a graph

A validated, published instrument assessing student understanding of algebra, modeling, statistics, probability, and data visualization. 

Request access from authors here

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Suann Yang onto Quantitative Assessments

How to tell a good story, from NPR’s Life Kit

The words Life Kit surrounded by tools

Tips for telling a meaningful story, from an interview with Sarah Austin Jenness, the executive producer of The Moth and storytelling coach Meg Bowles. In this interview, Austin Jenness and Bowles offer a step-by-step guide on how to tell a story about yourself. Read the transcript or listen to the 26-minute NPR Life Kit podcast.

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Suann Yang onto Resources for conducting interviews

How to do oral history

Logo for the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, a yellow starburst in a blue circle

Suggestions for anyone looking to start recording oral histories based on best practices used in the Smithsonian Oral History Program at the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

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Suann Yang onto Resources for conducting interviews