Wednesday Group (Meeting time: 10-11 AM EDT)
Kick-off meeting September 19 and every other week thereafter
Zoom meeting link:
- Joydeep Bhattacharjee
- James Deemy
- Jorge Santiago-Blay
- Cheston Saunders
- Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo
Thursday Group (Meeting time: 3:30-4:30 PM EDT)
Kick-off meeting September 19 and every other week thereafter
Zoom meeting link:
- Rebekah Chapman
- Alida Janmaat
- Alice Tarun
- Aeisha Thomas
Our schedule for the semester is flexible. My intent is for everyone to gain a good understanding of the benefits and limitations of MathBench (and other online modular instructional tools), share their insights about implementation, and contribute some of those insights towards a resource bank that can be used by future MathBench adopters. We will modify the schedule as necessary to achieve those objectives. Our meetings will be a mix of brief presentations, discussion of relevant (brief) papers, and group discussion/trouble shooting regarding implementation and assessment.
Week | Topic |
Sept. 19/20 | Kick-off and philosophical underpinnings |
Oct. 3/4 | Implementation tips and pitfalls |
Oct. 17/18 | Attitudes and achievement |
Oct. 31/Nov. 1 |
Student engagement and accountability; Sharing week 1 |
Nov. 14/15 | Sharing week 2 |
Nov. 28/29 | Assessment challenges |
Dec. 12/13 | Sharing and feedback on final products |
Dec. 19/20 | No meeting; Final product due |