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  • Created 15 Aug 2018

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Apps for identifying plants and animals

SEEK is an app within iNaturalist for ipad and iphone

PlantNet for both IOS and Android devices

iNaturalist has apps for both IOS and Android.  Has a community. 

Link to teacher information in iNaturalist for ideas on using this site

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Biotility . Credentialing exam for high schools

First is a one sheet overview for teachers of Biotility's  Biotechnology Assistant Credentialling Exam (BACE) for Florida that Linnea Fletcher discussed.  Has links to state of Florida's curriculum frameworks.

Second link goes to the BACE website.  There is professional development for teachers available  

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Biotech Careers and Bio-Link Educational resources

Links to two projects that have resources to support you and your students in developing programs, opportunities and education resources for biotech careers and educational project.  

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Science signs

Here are a couple of links of sign dictionaries I use and have students use to  find STEAM signs. 

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Profile picture of Shari Solomon-Klebba

Shari Solomon-Klebba onto ASL Specific Resources

UDL on Campus

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Genetically Modified Bees

In this activity, students will design new genetically modified bees that are able to cope with the new changes in our climate. Students will choose three traits from multiple bee species to make a superpollinator. 

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Resources for the Case Study

BioRad Science Ambassador Program

Go to website and sign up as a teacher to get access to this program and its resources.  We are going to get an introduction to the head of the Ambassador's Kit leadership. SO be on the lookout for email from us for more info and hopefully free resource kits.. 

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Resources for the Case Study

My Twin Sister case study

A young boy wonders why his twin sister can roll his tongue, but he cannot. 

Case centers on meiosis.

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Profile picture of Margaret Waterman

Margaret Waterman onto Resources for the Case Study

My Twin Sister ASL Video

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Resources for the Case Study

A Curious Display ASL Video

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Resources for the Case Study

GMO Review Article

This article has data that can be adopted for graphing skills activity.

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Images of Fruits and Vegetables Before Domestication

The case "A Curious Display" references some images of fruits and vegetables before humans began to change them through normal means of plant breeding, and includes links to some research articles on these.  

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Profile picture of Margaret Waterman

Margaret Waterman onto Resources for the Case Study

Evaluating GMO Perspectives through labeling

This is a unit with several different lessons.  If begins with labelling, includes a useful overview power point on what a GMO is (does not go through the technology), has a second power point on GMO facts and fiction and many resources.  A nice set of sheets that organize critical thinking activities related to GMOs. 

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Agriculture Careers Information

This page has links to a great deal of information on careers in agriculture, most of which employ technicians of various kinds in the lab, field or market.   It leads to many other resources, such as the magazine Agro World which also has information on careers using technical backgrounds

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K-12 Soil Science Teacher Resources

A nice website to explore on soil science.  Designed for K-12 but could easily be upped in complexity.  Several lesson topics.  When you click one, it opens up to more lessons on that topic!  Check out Soil Conservation as one directly related to the case A Curious Display

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Strawberry DNA Extraction directions

Using readily available materials, students can see DNA that they extract from strawberries.  Strawberries have eight sets of chromosomes, making the DNA very plentiful.  Frozen strawberries and 70-90% isopropyl alchohol, salt and colorless dish detergent are used.  To make this an inquiry lab, students could modify the given recipe to see what affects how much DNA can be extracted.  

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Profile picture of Margaret Waterman

Margaret Waterman onto Resources for the Case Study

Gel Simulation

Background: Scientists use a technique called gel electrophoresis to look at a DNA fingerprint.  The DNA separates into bands and these bands form different lengths.  Every organism, with the exception of identical twins, has a different DNA fingerprint.


Goal: To understand how DNA is separated into a fingerprint by using a chromatography activity to simulate gel electrophoresis.


Learning Objectives: Students will…

  • Follow directions to complete a gel electrophoresis simulation
  • Use a color-separation technique to separate individual colors from two sample solution
  • Use the results of the separation to infer whether the sample solutions are identical or not

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Profile picture of Viet Le

Viet Le onto Resources for the Case Study

Web-Source Evaluation for GMO

Students will be presented with information, in the classroom, for developing effective search terms related to the topic of their assignment (GMO, in this case). Then, students can complete the Websource evaluation worksheet - either as a classroom activity or as a homework.

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Intro videos and terminology for GMOs, Transcription, Translation


Choose how you would like to engage your students in the subject of GMO’s and how that is related to protein production in organisms.  We do not suggest that you give them this entire list!  You should choose the resources that will best fit your students and your learning outcomes for your course. In our session we will consider how you might fit in these items with your curricular goals and to make the learning process accessible for your students, with a focus on the science of GMO’s and not on the controversy of GMO’s.

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Profile picture of Sandi Connelly

Sandi Connelly onto Resources for the Case Study