
After completing this unit you will be able to: 

  • Generate a title, abstract, and description for an adapted resource that convey information unique to the material and context of this adaptation.

Updating the information in the Description tab is potentially the most important step in sharing your work. "Wait, wait, wait," you say. "But I have just spent all of this time modifying this material and then polishing it for others to use! Certainly that has to be the most important step!" It is very important, but if you do not use informative descriptions, how will anyone find your work and decide if they want to use it?

Imagine you were browsing for resources and came across the three resources below, displayed as cards. Take a moment to review just the titles and abstracts without visiting the full records (don't click the title). Click the green button in the upper right corner of each card to see the abstract.

This is an FMN participant modification of the TIEE module "Exploring the population dynamics of wintering bald eagles through long-term data" authored by Julie Beckstead, Alexandra N. Lagasse, and Scott R. Robinson in 2011.
ecology, Lab, Ecological Society of America, fmn, Lecture, Undergraduate, Data Discovery, Instructional Setting, Audience Level, Advanced, Activity Length, More than 1 hour
This is an FMN participant modification of the TIEE module "Exploring the population dynamics of wintering bald eagles through long-term data" authored by Julie Beckstead, Alexandra N. Lagasse, and Scott R. Robinson in 2011.
ecology, Introductory, Ecological Society of America, fmn, Lecture, Undergraduate, Data Discovery, Instructional Setting, Audience Level, Activity Length, More than 1 hour
This is an FMN participant modification of the TIEE module "Exploring the population dynamics of wintering bald eagles through long-term data" authored by Julie Beckstead, Alexandra N. Lagasse, and Scott R. Robinson in 2011.
ecology, Ecological Society of America, fmn, Lecture, Undergraduate, Data Discovery, Instructional Setting, Audience Level, Activity Length, Less than 1 hour

Can you tell them apart? Do you know which one you would like to use? When resource are displayed around the QUBES site, they often appear in a truncated format, like the cards on this page, displaying only their title, abstract, and tags. Therefore it is essential that you put effort into writing a unique title, abstract and description. 

Now, it should be noted that the authors of these examples were trailblazers of QUBES resources, and were directed by QUBES staff to complete the fields this way. We have since updated our best practices, but these resources have not been updated.

Next: Writing Titles