
This module is focused on submitting material through the QUBES resource system, but the concepts are applicable to any Open Educational Resource (OER) collection. Throughout the module you will draft your adapted resource in the QUBES publishing platform. The Adapting a Resource Knowledge Base Article is also available as a summary of best practices with instructions for adapting a resource in QUBES. It may be helpful to open two windows or tabs when completing the module, so you can keep both the module and your draft adapted resource open.

If you have questions, feel free to post to the forum, contact your Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) mentor, or email Hayley Orndorf, QUBES Project Manager (hco1 "at" pitt "dot" edu).

Resource Displays

Published QUBES resources will be used as examples throughout this module. Most often, these resources will be displayed as cards within the page. The card displays the title, authors, version, tags, and basic metrics. Clicking the green button in the upper right displays the abstract. Clicking the title of the resource will open the full resource record.

Resources may also be displayed as lists, providing all the same information as cards, but with no image. Again, clicking the title of the resource will open the full resource record. As you complete the module, consider how your work will be displayed in these formats. 

Card view

Why are Cells Small? Surface Area to Volume Ratio

John Howard Starnes, Christianne Baucom Nieuwsma, Jennifer Glee Buntz, Sondra Marie LoRe, Vedham Karpakakunjaram

Version: 1.0

This module explores surface area to volume ratios in a cube and sphere in relation to cell size.
introductory biology, graphing, Ratios, OpenStax, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Use elementary functions, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Rates and Proportions, Solving Equations and Inequalities, interpret tables

List view

Why are Cells Small? Surface Area to Volume Ratio

John Howard Starnes, Christianne Baucom Nieuwsma, Jennifer Glee Buntz, Sondra Marie LoRe, Vedham Karpakakunjaram

Version: 1.0

This module explores surface area to volume ratios in a cube and sphere in relation to cell size.
Published on 04.2020
0 Adaptations
introductory biology, graphing, Ratios, OpenStax, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Use elementary functions, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Rates and Proportions, Solving Equations and Inequalities, interpret tables

Open Education and the OER Life Cycle

Game Changer: Open Education is Changing the Rules

In this module you will explore how to adhere to OER best practices. Some of the tasks may seem overly technical and detailed, but understanding and following these best practices are critical in ensuring others can benefit from our work. How you submit an adapted resource matters to you, your students, and the entire QUBES community. Take a moment to reflect on the power and promise of OER for students, instructors, and learners everywhere by watching "Game Changer: Open Education is Changing the Rules" produced by ISKME

Open Educational Resource Life Cycle

Did you know that Open Educational Resources have a life cycle? You have probably experienced Finding, Adapting, and Using resources, but may struggle to complete Refinement and Sharing. QUBES Faculty Mentoring Networks aim to support instructors through the entire OER life cycle. This module hones in on "Share." While the technical components will be specific to the QUBES resource system, the concepts and best practices apply to sharing on any open platform. 

OER Lifecycle with the steps Find: find resources, Adapt: adapt the resource to suit your classroom, Use: use these resources and assess student learning, Refine: refine the resource after implementation, Share: share your version of the resource on an open platform,

Open Education and the continuation of the OER Life Cycle is truly made possible by open licenses. Open licenses not only allow, but encourage the adoption, adaptation, and sharing of work. The QUBES resource system allows users to select from the six Creative Commons licenses when publishing.

Next: Licensing