Selected Modules

These are the selected modules for this Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). During the Spring 2021 semester, participants will adapt and implement portions from two of the following into their classrooms. These modules cover a range of topics, so please select the activities that will fit best into your course curriculum.

Learn Biological Sciences and Mathematics through cellular respiration, photosynthesis and primary productivity.

Dr Pankaj Mehrotra

Version: 1.0

Photosynthesis is a process by which plants synthesize glucose and oxygen in presence of sunlight through light dependent reactions by utilization of sunlight, water to synthesize oxygen, ATP and NADPH and light-independent reactions to synthesize carbon dioxide and carbohydrates. Cellular respiration is a metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose through glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, citric acid / Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Primary producers produce energy and consumers derive energy from primary producers. Primary productivity is the accumulation of energy in form of biomass. Integrating biological science and mathematics helps to understand how differential regulation of factors impacting metabolic pathways and processes impact primary productivity.
Published on 04.2024
0 Adaptations
mathematics, simulation, The Analysis of Biological Data, Metabolic Pathways, process of science, photosynthesis, qbcc, Biological Sciences, hypothesis, Cellular Respiration, primary productivity

Teaching Modules from QB@CC: Tools to Improve Biology Student’s Quantitative Skills

Joseph Esquibel, Jillian Marie Miller, Jennifer Glee Buntz, Vedham Karpakakunjaram, Sarah Prescott

Version: 1.0

NABT and QB@CC hosted a special webinar to explore the QB@CC OER entitled Sizes, Scales, and Specialization.
Published on 10.2023
0 Adaptations
NABT, Presentation, qbcc

Quantifying Bacterial Growth in the Guts and Hemolymph of Fruit Flies: Mathematical Modeling and Data Interpolation/Extrapolation

Maila Hallare, Iordanka Panayotova, Anna Salazar

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students will analyze raw data obtained from an experiment that explores the effect of overexpressing the Ssk protein in order to strengthen the intestinal barrier and prevent bacteria from leaking out of the gut and into the hemolymph, which is the fruit fly equivalent to blood in the circulatory system. Using Excel, students will fit an exponential function to the few known data points and will then interpolate the missing data points and extrapolate a few future data points. They will also learn how they can fit a linear model by transforming the data (applying the logarithmic function) and use that model to estimate the missing data points. This activity involves both statistical analysis and mathematical modeling as well as displaying the usefulness of mathematical models for biological data analysis.
Published on 08.2023
0 Adaptations
graphing, exponential growth, linear models, qbcc, interpolation, Concepts in Statistics and Precalculus Understanding exponential rates and linear slopes, Extrapolation

Modified Grassy Narrows and Muskrat Falls Dam: Hypothesis Testing and t-Tests

Sharon Maureen Homer-Drummond

Version: 3.0

Methylmercury contamination within fish populations is an important toxin that affect human, animal, and environmental health, serving as a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) and endocrine-disruptor (compounds that in some way alter the signaling of the hormone system. The impacts of exceeding safe dietary methylmercury levels were tragically made clear in Ontario, Canada, where a First Nations community in Grassy Narrows are living with the consequences of methylmercury poisoning in the fish supply. The fish were contaminated due to the dumping of mercury in the traditional waterways of the First Nation community. In 2016, there were highly publicized protests in Muskrat Falls, Labrador, Canada, where the Inuit people raised direct concerns about the potential for a proposed Nalcor Energy hydroelectric dam, to increase mercury levels in fish in those waters, which are an integral part of their traditional diet. Despite significant protests, the project was completed in 2019 and 41 km were flooded. This module uses these real-world examples as a jumping-off point for exercises that will guide case-study driven discussion on mathematical, biological and ethical concerns.
Published on 02.2023
0 Adaptations
statistics, mathematics, biostatistics, ecology, biology, graphing, p-values, t-tests, hypothesis testing, in-class activity, Zoology, mercury biogeochemistry, biostatistics - general, fish population, qbcc, Endocrine Disruptors, Biogeochemical cycles, Interpret graphs, Solving Equations and Inequalities, Concepts in Statistics, Elementary Hypothesis Testing, Methylmercury, dams, Bioaccumulation, traditional diets, mercury, mercury poisoning, native people, indigenous population, Canada, hydroelectric, explaining statistics, using statistics, biomagnification

Grassy Narrows and Muskrat Falls Dam: The Central Limit Theorem and a t-test

Paul Miller

Version: 2.0 Adapted From: Grassy Narrows and Muskrat Falls Dam: Hypothesis Testing and t-Tests v1.0

Students are introduced to concepts of sampling distributions and hypothesis testing using a simulation applet, elementary hypothesis tests, t-tests, and p-values as they compare a given fish population for methylmercury levels (using real and hypothetical data) against real-world mercury standards.
Published on 02.2023
0 Adaptations
statistics, mathematics, biostatistics, ecology, biology, graphing, p-values, t-tests, hypothesis testing, in-class activity, Zoology, mercury biogeochemistry, biostatistics - general, fish population, qbcc, Biogeochemical cycles, Interpret graphs, Solving Equations and Inequalities, Concepts in Statistics, Elementary Hypothesis Testing, Methylmercury, dams, Bioaccumulation, traditional diets, mercury, mercury poisoning, native people, indigenous population, Canada, hydroelectric, explaining statistics, using statistics

Effect of the Intestinal Protein Snakeskin on the Lifespan of Fruit Flies: A Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysissource Draft (1)

Maila Hallare, Iordanka Panayotova, Anna Salazar

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students perform the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis on raw data obtained from an experiment that explores the effect of overexpressing the Snakeskin (Ssk) protein on the lifespan of a population of fruit flies. This tight junction equivalent protein is expressed at higher levels than normal specifically in the gut and throughout the entire lifespan of the flies. Because aging guts are accompanied by both a mislocalization and a decrease in the expression levels of junctional proteins, including Ssk, it was hypothesized that overexpressing Ssk may lead to a healthier fly with a longer lifespan. This data will be analyzed in order to determine if there is a significant difference between the control flies in which no overexpression occurs and the experimental group in which Ssk is overexpressed.
Published on 02.2023
0 Adaptations
graphing, Biochemistry, hypothesis testing, calculus and biology, approximating areas under curves, qbcc, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Solving Equations and Inequalities, interpret tables, Concepts in Statistics, using statistics, chi-square analysis, survival analysis

Exploring Marine Primary Productivity with Descriptive Statistics and Graphing in Excel

Kristin Byrd

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Exploring Marine Primary Productivity with Descriptive Statistics and Graphing in Excel v1.0

In this activity, students use real water chemistry data and descriptive statistics in Excel to examine primary productivity in an urban estuary of the Salish Sea. They will consider how actual data do or do not support expected annual trends.
Published on 01.2023
0 Adaptations
statistics, ecology, data, Excel, graphing, Biochemistry, Oceanography, marine ecosystems, marine ecology, descriptive statistics, long-term datasets, marine, Microsoft Excel, marine biology, plankton, Outliers, Marine Science, qbcc, Using Excel, phytoplankton, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Concepts in Statistics, large dataset, explaining statistics, using statistics, Pacific Northwest, Salish Sea, primary productivity, water chemistry, estuary, graphing in Excel, formulas in Excel, chlorophyll, time-series plots, ocean

Evolution of Tusklessness in African Elephants

Jennifer Buntz, Jessica Ross, Tony Weisstein, Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo

Version: 1.0

The exploitation of African elephants in the form of ivory poaching is exacerbated by warfare. The affects of this anthropogenic evolutionary force on the African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) in the Gorongoas National Park in Mozambique was investigated (Campbell-Staton, et. al. 2021) after the Mozambican civil war (1997-1992).  This multipart lesson is based on this research.  Here, we explore allele frequencies, phenotypic data, and the use of a chi-squared test to determine if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.  Because one gene influencing tusklessness is X-linked, we also explore inheritance of the trait, using hemophilia as an example.  The data used in this part of the lesson are simulated data based on reports from Zambia.
Published on 08.2022
0 Adaptations
Hardy-Weinberg, chi-squared, Evolution, Exponents, Ratios, percents, elephants, Gorongosa National Park, Africa, qbcc, Understanding fractions, Solving Equations and Inequalities, Concepts in Statistics, using statistics, tusk & tuskless, Ivory poaching

Exploring Interdisciplinary Professional Development Opportunities through the Quantitative Biology at Community Colleges QB@CC Project

Irene Corriette, Sheela Vemu

Version: 1.0

The Quantitative Biology at Community Colleges (QB@CC) project provides a platform for open education resource (OER) development. Biology and mathematics faculty collaborate, create, and publish OERs that target key quantitative skills in biology. Faculty can participate in the project in four main ways. In this interactive BIOME workshop, we will walk you through each of these opportunities from the perspective of mathematics and biology community college faculty. We will also give you an opportunity to discover ways in which this project can benefit your teaching and how you can help influence the future of this project. We are crowdsourcing to identify gaps in the current list of OER biology and mathematics topics, preferred module formats, and ideas for improved engagement with the project.
Published on 07.2022
0 Adaptations
mathematics, professional development, biology, community colleges, interdisciplinary, OER, collaboration, open educational resource, qbcc

QB@CC: An interdisciplinary network model for developing and disseminating OER to support pedagogical change

Sarah Prescott, Deborah Rook

Version: 1.0

Presentation given at the Northeast OER Summer 2022 We describe the interdisciplinary network that has been developing and sharing quantitative skills-based OER in biological sciences. The participants will be able to access and explore the resources published on the QUBESHub platform. We present the networking model that facilitates the collaborative development of open access resources and also provides leadership opportunities for the network participants.
Published on 06.2022
0 Adaptations
Resources @ BioQUEST, qbcc, Northeast OER Summit

Using Grassy Narrows in a Live Classroom with Clicker Questions and Interactive Histogram: Sampling Distributions, Probability, and Hypothesis Testing

Jonathan Andrew Akin

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Grassy Narrows and Muskrat Falls Dam: Hypothesis Testing and t-Tests v1.0

Students are introduced to concepts of sampling distributions, p-values, and hypothesis testing. Using both simulated and real data for methylmercury level in fish populations, students will determine whether observations fall within government safety guidelines for safe consumption.
Published on 05.2022
0 Adaptations
statistics, mathematics, biostatistics, ecology, biology, graphing, p-values, t-tests, hypothesis testing, in-class activity, Zoology, mercury biogeochemistry, biostatistics - general, fish population, qbcc, Biogeochemical cycles, Interpret graphs, Concepts in Statistics, Elementary Hypothesis Testing, Methylmercury, dams, Bioaccumulation, traditional diets, mercury, mercury poisoning, native people, indigenous population, Canada, hydroelectric, explaining statistics, using statistics

Uninhibited Growth of Cells

Emily Boyce

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Graphing bacterial growth rates: semi-log graphs v linear graphs v1.0

In this activity, students will explore the concept of binary fission, generation time, and bacterial growth curves, with an emphasis on the log phase. Students will use semi-log graphs and linear graphs to plot bacterial cell growth.
Published on 03.2022
0 Adaptations
graphing, exponential growth, Microbiology Education, microbiology, bacteria, growth rate, Undergraduate STEM education, Community College Education, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, binary fission, semi-log graph, linear graph, growth curve, creating graphs

Fitting Exponential and Logistic Growth Models to Bacterial Cell Count Data

Adam Rumpf

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students will model a noisy set of bacterial cell count data using both exponential and logistic growth models. For each model the students will plot the data (or a linear transformation of the data) and apply the method of least squares to fit the model's parameters. Activities include both theoretical and conceptual work, exploring the properties of the differential equation models, as well as hands-on computational work, using spreadsheets to quickly process large amounts of data. This activity is meant as a capstone to the differential calculus portion of a typical undergraduate Calculus I course. It explores a biological application of a variety of differential calculus concepts, including: differential equations, numerical differentiation, optimization, and limits. Additional topics explored include semi-log plots and linear regression.
Published on 12.2021
0 Adaptations
modeling, data analysis, linear regression, graphing, Exponents, optimization, calculus, Interpreting Graphs, Functions, qbcc, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Choosing models, Understanding rates, Concepts in Statistics, measurements, manipulating equations, creating graphs, interpreting tables

Linear Regression (Excel) and Cellular Respiration for Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics

Irene Corriette, Beatriz Gonzalez, Daniela Kitanska, Henriette Mozsolits, Sheela Vemu

Version: 1.0

Students typically find linear regression analysis of data sets in a biology classroom challenging. These activities could be used in a Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Statistics course. The collection provides student activity files with Excel instructions and Instructor Activity files with Excel instructions and solutions to problems. Students will be able to perform linear regression analysis, find correlation coefficient, create a scatter plot and find the r-square using MS Excel 365. Students will be able to interpret data sets, describe the relationship between biological variables, and predict the value of an output variable based on the input of an predictor variable.
Published on 12.2021
0 Adaptations
statistics, mathematics, data analysis, data, linear regression, biology, online, graphing, linear equations, Quantitative reasoning, assessment, college algebra, cell, statistical analysis, regression, OER, Algebra, chemistry, Models, correlation, Simple Linear Regression, Microsoft Excel, lab activity, experiment, Cellular Processes, ATP, qbcc, Using Excel, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Concepts in Statistics, oxidation, line of best fit, explaining statistics, using statistics, Cellular Respiration, Predictions, Respiration, graphing in Excel, Linear Correlation, Exothermic Reaction, create scatter plot, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), germinating peas, Pre-lab activity, Student activity, Hybrid, Collecting Data, R-square, Regression Model, Function, Dependent Variables, Independent Variables, Linear Equation, Linear Equation in two variables, create graph, create equation, create regression, create plot, interpret regression, interpret data

Exploring Marine Primary Productivity with Descriptive Statistics and Graphing in Excel

Marina McLeod, Jennifer Olson, Wendy Houston

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students use real water chemistry data and descriptive statistics in Excel to examine primary productivity in an urban estuary of the Salish Sea. They will consider how actual data do or do not support expected annual trends.
Published on 09.2021
1 Adaptations
statistics, ecology, data, Excel, graphing, Biochemistry, Oceanography, marine ecosystems, marine ecology, descriptive statistics, long-term datasets, marine, Microsoft Excel, marine biology, plankton, Outliers, Marine Science, qbcc, Using Excel, phytoplankton, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Concepts in Statistics, large dataset, explaining statistics, using statistics, Pacific Northwest, Salish Sea, primary productivity, water chemistry, estuary, graphing in Excel, formulas in Excel, chlorophyll, time-series plots, ocean

Using Linear Regression Adaptation: Exploring Vector-borne diseases in an online classroom

Darcy Ernst

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Using Linear Regression to Explore Environmental Factors Affecting Vector-borne Diseases v1.0

In this adaptation students in online classrooms will use linear regression at home and in synchronous online time to analyze real data on vector-borne diseases and explore how environmental factors affect disease transmission.
Published on 08.2021
0 Adaptations
ecology, graphing, microbiology, qbcc, Understanding rates, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, interpret tables, Concepts in Statistics

Grassy Narrows and Muskrat Falls Dam: Hypothesis Testing and t-Tests

Alida Janmaat, Pete Kaslik, Randall LaRue Moser Jr, Kevin David Simpson, Heather Susanne Zimbler-DeLorenzo

Version: 1.0

Students are introduced to concepts of hypothesis testing using elementary hypothesis tests, t-tests, and p-values as they compare a given fish population for methylmercury levels (using real and hypothetical data) against real-world mercury standards.
Published on 07.2021
3 Adaptations
statistics, mathematics, biostatistics, ecology, biology, graphing, p-values, t-tests, hypothesis testing, in-class activity, Zoology, mercury biogeochemistry, biostatistics - general, fish population, qbcc, Biogeochemical cycles, Interpret graphs, Solving Equations and Inequalities, Concepts in Statistics, Elementary Hypothesis Testing, Methylmercury, dams, Bioaccumulation, traditional diets, mercury, mercury poisoning, native people, indigenous population, Canada, hydroelectric, explaining statistics, using statistics

Analysis of QB@CC FMN in the implementation of OER Modules

John Howard Starnes, Sondra Marie LoRe, Vedham Karpakakunjaram, Joseph Esquibel, Deborah Rook, Kristin Jenkins

Version: 1.0

Poster about the use of QB@CC modules in a faculty mentoring network. Presented at the 2021 BIOME Institute.
Published on 07.2021
0 Adaptations
module, faculty mentoring networks, quantitative biology, fmn, quantitative biology education, open educational resource, qbcc, 2021 BIOME

QB@CC Community Standards for Events

Vedham Karpakakunjaram

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: BioQUEST / QUBES Community Standards for Events v3.0

Community standards and expectations for in-person and online events hosted by QB@CC
Published on 07.2021
0 Adaptations
code of conduct, qbcc, community standards

Choosing healthy data for healthy relationships: how to use 5-point summaries, box and whisker plots, and correlation to understand global health trends.

Andrea Huntoon, John Doudna, Pallavi Bhale, Thalita Abrahão, Alys Hugo, Jennifer Lyon Adler

Version: 1.0

This module utilizes a user-friendly database exploring data selection, box-and-whisker plot, and correlation analysis. It also guides students on how to make a poster of their data and conclusions.
Published on 06.2021
0 Adaptations
Querying databases, graphing, Ratios, data types, statistical learning, correlation, Box Plots, qbcc, health sciences education research, nutrition & food science, Understanding rates, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, interpret tables, Health Science, Concepts in Statistics, explaining statistics, using statistics

The Perfect Brew: An Activity Demonstrating Cell Counting and Hemocytometer Use

Bridgette Kirkpatrick

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: The Perfect Brew: An Activity Demonstrating Cell Counting and Hemocytometer Use v1.0

In this activity, students will explore the use of a hemocytometer for counting cells, demonstrate the relationship between the grid seen in the microscope with volume of liquid in suspension and count cells to determine concentration.
Published on 06.2021
0 Adaptations
Ratios, microbiology, qbcc, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Understanding fractions, converting units, changing scales, measurements

Sizes, Scales and Specialization: Adapted to add scientific notation review

Andrea Huntoon

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Sizes, Scales and Specialization: Using Relative Proportions and Scientific Notation to Highlight the Diversity of Cell Types v2.0

This module explores how cell size and shape varies across cell types in the human body by having students calculate relative proportions of numbers in scientific notation. The adaptation has added a review of scientific notation.
Published on 05.2021
0 Adaptations
Exponents, Ratios, Scientific Notation, cell type, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, converting units, changing scales

Students examine the diversity of human cell sizes and number using scientific notation

Kimberly McClure

Version: 1.0

In this powerpoint, several of the resources from the published module 'Sizes, Scales and Specialization' are used to create a mini-module that has students examine the size and abundance of different human cell types using scientific notation.
Published on 05.2021
0 Adaptations
Exponents, Ratios, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, converting units, changing scales

Sizes, Scales and Specialization: Using Relative Proportions and Scientific Notation to Highlight the Diversity of Cell Types

Heather Seitz, Jillian Marie Miller, Joseph Esquibel

Version: 2.0

This module explores how cell size and shape varies across cell types in the human body by having students calculate relative proportions of numbers in scientific notation.
Published on 04.2021
1 Adaptations
Exponents, Ratios, Cells, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Visual Accommodations, converting units, changing scales

Graphing bacterial growth rates: semi-log graphs v linear graphs

Adam Marschall Jaros, Adronisha Frazier, Beth Alford, Brandy Williams

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students will explore the concept of binary fission, generation time, and bacterial growth curves, with an emphasis on the log phase. Students will use semi-log graphs and linear graphs to plot bacterial cell growth.
Published on 02.2021
1 Adaptations
graphing, exponential growth, Microbiology Education, microbiology, bacteria, growth rate, Undergraduate STEM education, Community College Education, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, binary fission, semi-log graph, linear graph, growth curve, creating graphs

Big Data, Graphs, and Prediction

Jennifer Lyon Adler, David Simon, Emmanuel des-Bordes, Joseph Esquibel, mary miller, Pradip Raj Aryal, Vickie Flanders

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students are introduced to graphing and modeling data in a step-wise fashion. Real data of covid-19 deaths over time are used to incrementally ask students to fit the data to several models and discuss which model fits best.
Published on 02.2021
0 Adaptations
epidemiology, graphing, Logarithms, exponential growth, qbcc, covid, Choosing models, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Concepts in Statistics

Why Cells Change Weight: Demonstrating Linear Regression Through an Osmosis Experiment

Ashley Lamb Galloway, Stefanie L Holmes, Ashley Morgan, Mary Ann Sexton

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students will perform an experiment utilizing dialysis tubing to create cellular models to demonstrate the linear relationship between cell weight and time in varying tonicities. Videos and data sets (of faculty results) are provided for
Published on 02.2021
0 Adaptations
graphing, qbcc, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Interpret graphs, Concepts in Statistics

QB@CC Poster for NABT 2020

Jennifer Glee Buntz, Joseph Esquibel, Kristin Jenkins, Vedham Karpakakunjaram, Jillian Marie Miller, Christianne Baucom Nieuwsma, Heather Seitz, John Howard Starnes

Version: 1.0

This is a poster presentation at the 2020 NABT Annual PD Conference. This poster describes the goals of QB@CC project, progress in the first year and an update on the upcoming events.
Published on 11.2020
0 Adaptations
quant bio, Quantitative reasoning, community colleges, quantitative biology, quantitative skills, incubators, qbcc, Biology and Math Collaboration, OERs, NABT 2020, NSF grant, RCN UBE grant, QB learning modules

Analysis of Amylase Activity

Allison Carter Burlyn, Christina Fieber, Melanie Lenahan

Version: 1.0

This lab is an exploration of enzyme function and the effects of environmental conditions on the activity of the enzyme amylase. The lab utilizes analytical and graphing skills to assess enzyme activity.
Published on 11.2020
0 Adaptations
data analysis, introductory biology, concentration, graphing, linear equations, Biochemistry, scientific method, standard curve, enzyme function, Microsoft Excel, Interpreting Graphs, enzymes, qbcc, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Solving Equations and Inequalities, interpret tables, Amylase, Alpha-amylase, Enzyme activity, Maltose, DNS assay, Absorbance, lab report, spectrophotometry, regression line, manipulating equations, line of best fit, graphing by hand

The Perfect Brew: An Activity Demonstrating Cell Counting and Hemocytometer Use

Angela Consani, Duane Doyle, David L Jones, Bara Sarraj, Heather Seitz

Version: 1.0

In this activity, students will explore the use of a hemocytometer for counting cells, demonstrate the relationship between the grid seen in the microscope with volume of liquid in suspension and count cells to determine concentration.
Published on 09.2020
1 Adaptations
Ratios, microbiology, qbcc, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Understanding fractions, converting units, changing scales, measurements

Using Linear Regression to Explore Environmental Factors Affecting Vector-borne Diseases

Andy Adams, Jessica A Adams, John J. Bray, Tami Imbierowicz, Suzanne Lenhart, Breonna Martin

Version: 1.0

In this activity students will use linear regression to analyze real data on vector-borne diseases and explore how environmental factors such as climate change or population density influence the transmission of these diseases.
Published on 09.2020
1 Adaptations
ecology, graphing, microbiology, qbcc, Understanding rates, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, interpret tables, Concepts in Statistics

Why does Blood Flow Change? Investigating the Math of Blood Flow Dynamics

Amy Troyer, Brandi Morgante Handzlik, Mary Phillips

Version: 1.0

This collection of activities explores the relationship between blood flow, pressure, and the factors of resistance through graphs and modeling direct and inverse variation.
Published on 06.2020
0 Adaptations
quant bio, graphing, Ratios, math, assessment, college algebra, undergraduate education, physiology, Anatomy, human biology, variation, Cardiovascular physiology, Anatomy & Physiology, lab activity, OpenStax, qbcc, manipulate equations, Understanding fractions, Choosing models, Understanding rates, Estimating answers, Use elementary functions, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Rates and Proportions, Solving Equations and Inequalities

Why are Cells Small? Surface Area to Volume Ratio

John Howard Starnes, Christianne Baucom Nieuwsma, Jennifer Glee Buntz, Sondra Marie LoRe, Vedham Karpakakunjaram

Version: 1.0

This module explores surface area to volume ratios in a cube and sphere in relation to cell size.
Published on 04.2020
0 Adaptations
introductory biology, graphing, Ratios, OpenStax, qbcc, manipulate equations, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Use elementary functions, Create graphs, Interpret graphs, Rates and Proportions, Solving Equations and Inequalities, interpret tables