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SCORE-UBE Network News

February, 2020

1) Travel funding available for SCORE-related events

2) RCN-UBE Full grant is in

3) How did the SCORE Summit help you? We want to hear stories!

Travel funding

The grant which funded the SCORE Summit at Bates College last October has some funds available to support SCORE-related activities of Network members.  We would be happy to support travel to conferences at which you will be presenting a talk or poster that is SCORE-related.  Travel would need to occur before July 31, 2020.  

We are also pleased to announce that we are expanding this to include sustainability workshops. Below are two examples:

  1. Science Community Gateway Institute has a "Focus Week" June 1-4 in NYC: 
  2. Michelle Smith is planning to go to ESA's sustaining biological infrastructure which is June 9-11 in MD: 

Both would be great ideas for sustainability work, and we'd love for you to learn and bring what you learn back to the network. If you would be interested in using these funds to support your travel, please let us (Maggie and Carrie) know.  To share other opportunities, see our new forum area!


Due to supportive feedback and encouragement from our program officer, and excitement from participants about the benefits of the Summit, we decided to continue with a proposal to continue SCORE for 4 more years. In this new proposal, we have slightly adjusted/augmented our Steering Committee and PIs. I thank Kaitlin Bonner and Karen Cangialosi for their time and effort stepping into co-PI roles. If funded, we would have a virtual kick-off showcase this fall. Cross your fingers - we expect to know by late July/early August!

How did connecting through SCORE-UBE benefit you and your organization(s)?

Below is just one story, but we hope you will share your story with us!

SIMIODE and QUBES - Technology infrastructure explorations as a result of the SCORE Summit: As a direct result of the SCORE Summit, SIMIODE has budgeted in its next grant to contract hub hosting costs from QUBES as a supergroup within Hub, just as MMHub currently does. This will require development time to move platforms, but no more than maintaining their own hub, and it reduces the financial contract for technology and increases their member access to new tools and features for OER that QUBES has already developed. This will take a conversation about shared infrastructure, metadata, and more, but in addition to being a step in working together on shared infrastructure when needed, it could provide guidance to other interested potential partners for how to share infrastructure.

  1. score
  2. travel
  3. 2020

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