
Impact of Urban Development in DC

Presenters: Edem Yevoo, University of Maryland and Travis Belote, The Wilderness Society

Abstract: As the global population continues to increase, more people are moving from rural to urban areas. In the next decades, most of the world's population will be living in urban areas. Utilizing geospatial data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a predictive visual model was created using geographic information systems (GIS) software. The model was used to predict the change in the District of Columbia's (DC) urban landscape over time. The use of GIS and data analysis systems hold the key to tackling current and future environmental issues. I will discuss the use of spatial data and how it can be used to impact policy, climate change, and socioeconomic conditions in our urban environments.

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Using Spatial Data and GIS for Remote Internships Through the EcologyPlus Program

Presenters: Travis Belote, The Wilderness Society, Edem Yevoo, University of Maryland, and Teresa Mourad, Ecological Society of America 

Abstract: The EcologyPlus program recruits and supports a cohort of diverse students to pursue a variety of professional development opportunities through a diverse network of organizations. The Wilderness Society, as a partner organization, hosted three EcologyPlus student interns in the fall of 2018. The internship began with a week-long trip to Montana to visit Yellowstone National Park, meet local scientists, receive a short-course on geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial data, and develop research questions. Each student developed separate but related questions requiring various spatial datasets, data management, and analytical approaches. The students completed most of the work at their home institutions throughout the fall semester of 2018. The remote internship included biweekly check-ins including “shadowing” via screenshares to work through data analysis challenges. Students presented their work during a one-hour presentation and webinar at the end of the semester. We will discuss the value of spatial data and GIS in undergraduate education and provide recommendation for a successful remote internship. Our key recommendations include spending time together in-person for a kick-off event, regular check-in meetings with video conferencing and screenshares, and developing clear deliverables (report or professional presentation) to bookend the experience.

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How to spot conspiracy theories

How to Spot COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories, authored by Stephan Lewandowsky, John Cook, Ullrich Ecker, and Sander van der Linden, looks at possible examples of COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and identifies how they illustrate the seven traits of conspiratorial thinking,

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Kristin Jenkins onto COVID-19/Public Health

Information is Beautiful 's take on COVID 19

An Infographic datapack of visualizations on COVID 19

Also check out Myths and Misconceptions:

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Kristin Jenkins onto COVID-19/Public Health

Expanding the Pipeline: Engaging Urban Secondary School and College Students in Science and the Environment

Presenters: Yael Wyner, City College of New York, City University of New York and Janice Koch, American University

Abstract: This speed talk describes three education projects that engage urban minority students in science and the environment. Two projects focus on secondary school ecology and evolutionary biology learning in New York City science classrooms. The third project is a new science learning and public engagement major for City College of New York undergraduate students. Each of these projects seeks to increase access to science learning and science careers. With NSF funding, we created curricular resources grounded in published scientific data to connect the daily lives of New York City high school students to ecological concepts learned in school. We also created curricular resources for New York City middle school students to help them notice the evolutionary patterns of the sidewalk trees they pass daily. We are currently designing a new undergraduate program to prepare City College graduates to deliver STEM learning at botanical gardens, museums, zoos, environmental education centers, community-based organizations, educational, and science and environmental non-profits. The new City College program is a response to the unmet need to expand the science engagement pipeline to members of underrepresented groups.

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Broadening Participation with Bioinformatics, Big Data, and Data Science

Presenter: Jason Williams, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Abstract: This talk highlights challenges and opportunities surrounding bioinformatics training and aims to spark conversation reshaping the training landscape. As new methods such as machine learning/deep learning become more relevant to biology, we risk widening the intelligibility gap between the training “haves” and “have-nots.” The community has a need for extensive discussion on this topic and support for development of alternatives to classroom training that can bridge gaps between the large numbers of existing researchers who need to understand and apply data science skills, but who are unlikely to return to formal schooling. Findings by NIBLSE (pronounced “nibbles”) – Network for Integrating Bioinformatics in Life Sciences Education – revealed that 95% of faculty believe bioinformatics should be taught, but only 40% manage to do so (with clear disparities for faculty at less-resourced institutions). Input from the survey and a NIBLSE working group has also generated a set of bioinformatics competencies for undergraduate bioinformatics (Sayers 2018). A a survey of NSF-funded investigators in the biological sciences (Barone 2017) conclude that training in several areas of bioinformatics are the most unmet need for established researchers. Improving the bioinformatics curriculum opens up opportunities for broadened participation by equipping students and teachers with the skills needed for 21st century careers in STEM. Examples of CyVerse and Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Center programs that integrate bioinformatics, big data, and data science will illustrate effective ways to engage diverse students with in-demand skills.

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Opening Panel: Further Defining the Problem Space

The opening panel for the Bringing Conversations on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Data Science to the Environmental Sciences conference included Cedric Chambers, Jump Recruits; Clyde Cristman, Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation; Gina Helfrich, NumFOCUS; Kaitlin Stack Whitney, Rochester Institute of Technology; and James Rattling Leaf, Sr., Rattling Leaf Consulting, LLC.

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What is the problem we are trying to solve?

Presentation given by Alycia Crall (National Ecological Observatory Network) to set the stage for the 3-day conference on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the environmental data sciences.

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At the Crossroads: Black Faces, White Spaces, and Re-thinking Green

Opening plenary presentation given by Dr. Carolyn Finney on April 2, 2019.

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AGU's Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion Program: 2019 Summary

American Geophysical Union's Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion program report for 2019.

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Alycia Crall onto Publications

REMNet Newsletter March 2020

This the the first issue of our monthly newsletter! If you have any news you would like to share with the rest of the community, don't hesitate to let us know :)

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Profile picture of Khuanchivin Geena Sompanya

Khuanchivin Geena Sompanya onto REMNet News

REMNet Newsletter April 2020

This is our second issue of the monthly newsletter! If you have any news you would like to share with the rest of the community, don't hesitate to let us know :)

We hope that during these times you and your loved ones are safe and healthy!

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Khuanchivin Geena Sompanya onto REMNet News

COVID 19 Time

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Kristin Jenkins onto Humor

Trouble Shooting Online Instruction

Many of us are using new tools, approaches, and environments to continue engaging our students in high quality instruction while maintaining social distance.
Join us for a Q&A session with a panel of experienced online instructors to trouble-shoot issues and barriers you and your students are encountering and potential solutions and work-arounds.

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Online with LSE: Transitioning to online instruction

This session of Online with LSE will feature a discussion with educators who have experience teaching online and working with faculty to transition to online instruction.

Andrew Bouwma, Instructor in Biology at Oregon State University, experienced online course designer and instructor, including award-winning online lab instruction
Cynthia Brame, Associate Director of the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching and Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences, who has experience working with faculty to transition to online instruction
Jim Hewlett, Professor at Finger Lakes Community College and experienced online course designer and instructor
Erika Offerdahl, Associate Professor of Molecular Biosciences and experienced online course designer and instructor

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COVID-19 Data Science Resources

"The Academic Data Science Alliance is working with partners to pull together data and data science resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a living list of resources and we welcome additions, suggestions, and collaborations. Please send additions, corrections, comments, and suggestions to us using this feedback form.

Please keep suggestions limited to research and data resources, avoiding opinion pieces and teaching resources. 

Note that the resources listed here are provided as-is. Use your professional judgement and best practices to vet these resources before you use them for research and scientific communications."

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Kristin Jenkins onto COVID-19/Public Health

Slowly Letting People Back In

A PBS Newshour: Student Reporting Labs Interview 

"West Ranch High School student reporter Madi Marks interviews University of Pittsburgh professor and epidemiologist Dr. Wilbert Van Panhuis on how he's collecting data on the coronavirus and how to combat it for our #SRLAsks series."

Quick intro to epidemiology and modeling and a peek into career pathways in this area.

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Kristin Jenkins onto COVID-19/Public Health

Making it RAIN: Using Remotely Accessible Instruments in Nanotechnology to Enhance High School Science Courses

Min, A., Ashcroft, J., Monroy, J., Wolf, V., Lee, C., Horton, J., Ehrmann, R., Rodriguez, B. 2019

The Remotely Accessible Instruments in Nanotechnology (RAIN) Network is a conglomerate of nineteen community colleges, four-year universities and high school sites that aims to enhance STEM learning by bringing advanced technologies to K-12 education. RAIN provides free remote access to instruments such as Scanning Electron, Atomic Force and Transmission E ectron Microscopes, as well as Energy Dispersive and Infrared Spectroscopy.

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Kristin Jenkins onto Labs

Remotely Accessible Experiments for Use in K-12 Education

Jared Ashcroft and William Miller

RAIN has been developing science labs that can be used in conjunction with remote access instruments to expose K-12 classes to modern experimentation that will help fulfill requirements of NGSS. Currently, RAIN has access to seven experiments that can utilize with remote access available on its website (

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Kristin Jenkins onto Labs

Cultivating Mars: A project-based learning lab analyzing an oxygen based redox reaction in order to design an oxygen-rich environment on the Red Planet

Ashcroft, J.M., Min, A., Bojanini, I., Hacopian, M., Schroeder, K., Cakmak, A.O., Rodriguez, B. 2018. Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education

In a series of activities/labs, designed in a building block approach, whereas each subsequent lab builds into the next, students will explore the reactivity and production of oxygen in various biological and chemical systems.  Use of remote access technology to a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with elemental analysis capabilities allows students to investigate their oxygen reaction via formation of iron oxide.

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Kristin Jenkins onto Labs

Accessibility and Universal Design of Online Meetings

With the emergence of online conferencing tools and the flexibility required for effectively working remotely, more and more meetings are being held online. Organizers generally have the goal that everyone who attends their meetings can fully participate and access information. Using a handful of strategies, this goal can be met.

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall onto Other Relevant Resources

Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus

A phylogeny shows evolutionary relationships of hCoV-19 (or SARS-CoV-2) viruses from the ongoing novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Coronavirus

How coronavirus tests work

Video from Nova on how the tests work.

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Coronavirus

ISCB Education and Training Resources

Our Vision is to see high quality computational biology education and training accessible to all interested communities across the world, and instilled in all life science-related educational programs.

Our Mission is to promote worldwide education and training in computational biology by providing guidance and support for educational resources and community activities.

The information contained within this section covers two general areas:

  1. World-wide educational and training resources for all levels from novices to advanced practitioners of computational biology
  2. Resources that enhance learning and preparation geared towards a career in computational biology

In addition to the content generated by ISCB Education, we also solicit and collect input and information from the larger computational biology community to be made available through these pages.

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The Jackson Laboratory Courses and Workshops

The Genomic Education team at The Jackson Laboratory is committed to creating diverse and inclusive educational programs where all students, employees and visitors feel valued and are empowered to participate in our mission to improve human health though genomics research, scientific resources and education. We believe human diversity is an essential ingredient for empowering the global biomedical community, and therefore our programs should reflect, embrace and celebrate the diversity of our world ... JAX's programs for high school and undergraduate students and teachers predate the founding of the Jackson Laboratory by six years. Including our flagship Summer Student Program, JAX offers opportunities for academic year research, teacher professional development, and the Maine State Science Fair.

Courses are designed to impart knowledge through intensive lectures, hands-on training and informal interactions. Workshops offer extensive hands-on training, teaching participants how to perform specific techniques, interspersed with lectures or seminars.

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