
Day 1 Slides (Includes Project Red Bus Logic Map)

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Profile picture of Patrick Freeland

Patrick Freeland onto Sensing the Earth Summit

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) - Resources

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Profile picture of Katherine Jones

Katherine Jones onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Introduction to Carpentries Presentation

Presentation presented by Alycia Crall on 18 November.

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Resources for Educators Presentation

See the slides which describe the CLEAN network, resources for educators, and more

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Profile picture of Patrick Freeland

Patrick Freeland onto Sensing the Earth Summit


See the map which situates TCUs in NEON Ecoregions and near sensors

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Profile picture of Patrick Freeland

Patrick Freeland onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Notes from the Sensing The Earth June Meeting

See the notes from the Sensing The Earth Meeting

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Profile picture of Patrick Freeland

Patrick Freeland onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Menu of Services

This file describes services and training opportunities for TCU Faculty

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Profile picture of Patrick Freeland

Patrick Freeland onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Quad Chart Analysis

Folder that includes the Quad Chart Analysis from the June Sensing The Earth Summit

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Profile picture of Patrick Freeland

Patrick Freeland onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Visualizing Global CO2 Emissions

CO2 emissions modeling exercise

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Profile picture of Anne Cross

Anne Cross onto Ecology Class

Ecological Forecasting Initiative

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Profile picture of Katherine Jones

Katherine Jones onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Making bioinformatics tools classroom-friendly

Poster on using Cyverse resources to make classroom that make using bioinformatics in the classroom a more manageable experience presented at the 2020 BIOME Institute: Cultivating Scientific Curiosity

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Profile picture of Katie M. Sandlin

Katie M. Sandlin onto Bioinformatics

Macrosystems EDDIE Links

Overview of Macrosystems EDDIE 

Web pages for Macrosystems EDDIE ecological forecasting teaching modules (which include links to the R Shiny app webpage for each module as well as other teaching materials): 

Module 5: Introduction to Ecological Forecasting 

Module 6: Understanding Uncertainty in Ecological Forecasts 

Module 7: Using Data to Improve Ecological Forecasts 

Module 8: Using Ecological Forecasts to Guide Decision Making 


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Profile picture of Katherine Jones

Katherine Jones onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Sequence Similarity: An inquiry based and "under the hood" approach for incorporating molecular sequence alignment in introductory undergraduate biology courses

This laboratory module, published on CourseSource, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.

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Profile picture of Katie M. Sandlin

Katie M. Sandlin onto Bioinformatics

Running Carpentries Workshops Without Internet Access

Carpentries Offline is a project that aims to bring Carpentries workshops to areas where there is limited or no Internet access. In this video (4:21), we aim to show how we are addressing the challenge.

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall onto Sensing the Earth Summit

From Dirt to <em>Streptomyces</em> DNA

The purpose of this semester-long Lesson is to give students an authentic, course-based undergraduate research experience during which they learn basic and advanced microbiological and molecular biology techniques. This project begins with the isolation of a suspected Streptomyces bacterium from a soil sample and concludes with its identification. Students collect data, regarding colony and cell morphology, biochemical characteristics, the production of secondary metabolites, and employs the PCR using custom-designed primers to the Streptomyces 16s rRNA gene. The project culminates with the identification of their soil isolate using the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) web site to perform nucleotide blasts. The blastn program provides the final piece of evidence used to confirm, or not, the identification of their isolate as a Streptomyces from 16s rRNA gene sequence data, hence the title “From Dirt to Streptomyces DNA. In addition, the Lesson focuses on the Streptomyces bacteria to address several ASM aligned goals and objectives. These include prokaryotic growth phases and ways in which interactions of microorganisms among themselves and with their environment is determined by their metabolic abilities.  In addition, this Lesson illustrates how microbial metabolism is important to a relevant societal issue, the need for new antibiotic discovery particularly given the rise of antibiotic resistance strains of clinically relevant bacteria. It also illustrates the microbial diversity of soil and the developmental/physiological strategies employed in such a competitive environment. This Lesson hopes to impart both the thrill and challenges associated with scientific discovery.

Primary image: Photomicrograph of Streptomyces colonies growing on ISP 2 agar. The Streptomyces are student isolates showing stages of morphological development. Photomicrograph by Marc A. Brodkin.

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Profile picture of Aga Gałązka

Aga Gałązka onto Microbiology

The Carpentries Toolkit of IDEAS

The Toolkit of IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Strategies) is a practical resource for Carpentries’ Instructors, helpers, and workshop hosts. We know that many people care about inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility but are not sure how it connects to teaching foundational coding and data science skills. This toolkit aims to bridge this gap. 

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Molecular CaseNet Biweekly meeting related (Nov. 11, 2022)

Case presentations

  • Aeisha Thomas (Streptokinase - Bacteria Sourced Drug For Cardiovascular Disease)
  • Swati Agrawal (A Case study of Drug Resistance in Leishmania)
  • Alexander Escobar (Running Out of Time)

We actually ran out of time. We will hear about more case outlines in the next meeting.

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Profile picture of Shuchismita Dutta

Shuchismita Dutta onto Meeting Recordings

Life in Urban Environments: The Impact of Urbanization on Life-History Traits in Amphibian Species

This lesson focuses on urbanization and its negative effects on species, specifically amphibians. The lesson will also provide hands-on statistical analyses and critical thinking questions to promote a better understanding of this ecological problem.

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Profile picture of Katie Weglarz

Katie Weglarz onto ForEBio

Coyote Habituation and a Scientist Spotlight on Dr. Christopher Schell

Dr. Christopher Schell is an ecologist who uses a variety of techniques to study mammalian carnivores in urban areas. This scientist spotlight uses graphs from his study on parental habituation to human disturbance in coyotes.

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Profile picture of Katie Weglarz

Katie Weglarz onto ForEBio

Friday Morning Workshop 1 - EDS w/ Python

Here are the files that we'll be using for the Friday morning workshop (EDS w/ Python). 

If you want to follow along and do some coding, please use the live coding notebook (haskell-EDS-demo-live-code.ipynb)

If you want to follow along without doing any coding, please use the solutions notebook (haskell-EDS-demo-soln.ipynb)

There is also a link to the GitHub repository where the notebooks and corresponding data live publicly ( 

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Teaching Population Dynamics with Data and HHMI BioInteractive

Presented at NABT 2019, we demonstrate how the Population Dynamics Click & Learn resource can be customized for any organism - using the Lionfish invasion as an example

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Profile picture of Katie Weglarz

Katie Weglarz onto ForEBio

IndigiData: Indigenous Data Science Education

Website for a project led by the Native BioData Consortium to train and engage tribal undergraduate and graduate students in informatics.

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Sensing the Earth Tribal College Faculty Data Science Experience Flyer

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Materials for Teaching the SIR Epidemic Model

This web page contains materials created by faculty of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics to teach basic fundamentals of mathematical epidemiology.

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Profile picture of Katie Weglarz

Katie Weglarz onto ForEBio