
Does it pose a threat? Investigating the impact of Bt corn on monarch butterflies

primary literature discussion of Bt corn effects

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Profile picture of Rob Levenson

Rob Levenson onto Biotechnology

Using Undergraduate Molecular Biology Labs to Discover Targets of miRNAs in Humans

Incorporating authentic research experiences into undergraduate labs, while shown to be particularly effective at engaging and retaining students in STEM majors, can be difficult to accomplish within the constraints of resource availability or cost, and time limitations. One area that is particularly amenable to adaptation for undergraduate lab classes is the discovery and validation of targets of microRNAs (miRs). The human genome encodes several hundred, possibly several thousand miRs, each of which is a 22 nucleotide long RNA molecule capable of regulating the expression of multiple target genes. miRs have been shown to be critical during development, for human health and disease, and are currently being investigated as both therapeutic agents, as well as possible drug targets. A lack in understanding the mechanisms by which miRs recognize their targets makes computer-based predictions of miR targets quite inaccurate, necessitating experimental verification of such predictions. In this lesson, we describe an easily adaptable lab module that can be used in existing undergraduate molecular biology lab courses to conduct authentic scientific research. Students use a variety of databases to identify likely candidate genes whose expression may be altered by a given miR, and then experimentally test their predictions in human cells. This inquiry-based module gives students a taste of real scientific research and excites them about the possibility that, even as a student, they have the potential to contribute to this cutting edge research.

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Rob Levenson onto Biochemistry

Using Synthetic Biology and pClone Red for Authentic Research on Promoter Function: Introductory Biology (identifying new promoters)

Students often memorize the definition of a transcriptional promoter but fail to fully understand the critical role promoters play in gene expression. This laboratory lesson allows students to conduct original research by identifying and characterizing promoters found in prokaryotes. Students start with primary literature, design and clone a short promoter, and test how well their promoter works. This laboratory lesson is an easy way for faculty with limited time and budgets to give their students access to real research in the context of traditional teaching labs that meet once a week for under three hours. The pClone Red Introductory Biology lesson uses synthetic biology methods and makes cloning so simple that we have 100% success rates with first year students. Students use a database to archive their promoter sequences and the performance of the promoter under standard conditions. The database permits synthetic biology researchers around the world to find a promoter that suits their needs and compare relative levels of transcription. The core methodology in this lesson is identical to the core methodology in the companion Genetics Lesson by Eckdahl and Campbell. The methods are reproduced in both lessons for the benefit of readers. The two CourseSource lessons provide the detailed information needed to reproduce the pedagogical research results published in CBE - Life Sciences Education by Campbell et al., 2014.

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Rob Levenson onto Biotechnology

Using Synthetic Biology and pClone Red for Authentic Research on Promoter Function: Genetics (analyzing mutant promoters)

Students often memorize the definition of a transcriptional promoter but fail to fully understand the critical role promoters play in gene expression.  This laboratory lesson allows students to conduct original research by characterizing functional regions within known prokaryotic promoters.  Students begin the lesson by learning the properties of transcriptional promoter DNA sequences.  They design mutations for a constitutive promoter and discuss their designs as a class to choose which mutations to clone and characterize.  This lesson provides an easy way for faculty with limited time and budgets to give their students access to real research in the context of traditional teaching labs that meet once a week for under three hours.  The pClone Red Genetics lesson uses synthetic biology methods and makes cloning so simple that we have 100% success rates with sophomores taking Genetics.  Students archive promoter sequences and their performances under standard conditions.  The database permits synthetic biology researchers around the world to find a promoter that suits their needs and compare relative levels of transcription.  The core methodology in this lesson is identical to the core methodology in the companion Introductory Biology Lesson by Campbell and Eckdahl. The methods are reproduced in both lessons for the benefit of readers.  The two CourseSource lessons provide the detailed information needed to reproduce the pedagogical research results published in CBE – Life Sciences Education by Campbell et al., 2014.

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Rob Levenson onto Biotechnology

Taking the Hassle out of Hasselbalch

Henderson-Hasselbalch review

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Rob Levenson onto Chemistry

Understanding Protein Domains: A Modular Approach

An understanding of protein structure, function, and interaction is central to biochemistry. One angle into this topic is to engage students in considering protein domains as modules that develop form and execute function semi-independently. Here, I describe a modular guided inquiry Lesson for students with an introductory background in molecular biology and biochemistry. The Lesson enables students to further explore how we define and investigate the structure and function of protein domains in a research context. Activities focus on bioinformatic approaches and interpretation and design of experiments to investigate protein interactions. Possible extensions into wet-lab and/or research projects are also highlighted. Students from various science majors enrolled in an intermediate-level biochemistry course reported that this Lesson strengthened their ability to analyze protein sequence and structure and to understand approaches to determining protein interactions.

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Rob Levenson onto Biochemistry

Learning to Pipet Correctly by Pipetting Incorrectly?

Beginning undergraduate students in biology need basic laboratory, data analysis, and science process skills to pursue more complex questions in course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). To this end, we designed an introductory lesson that helps students learn to use common laboratory equipment such as analytical balances and micropipettes, analyze and present data in Google and Microsoft spreadsheet software, and perform simple descriptive and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing. In this lesson, students first learn to use micropipettes by pipetting specific volumes of water correctly and incorrectly. After determining the masses of the water samples pipetted, students enter the data into a shared Google spreadsheet and then use statistics to test a null hypothesis; ultimately, they determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the mass of water pipetted correctly versus incorrectly. Together, these activities introduce students to important data analysis and science process skills while also orienting them to basic laboratory equipment.

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Rob Levenson onto Biochemistry

Understanding by design

photo of the cover of the book understanding by design

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

This book introduces the framework of backward design to develop effective curricula.

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

Learning to Pipet Correctly by Pipetting Incorrectly?

Beginning undergraduate students in biology need basic laboratory, data analysis, and science process skills to pursue more complex questions in course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). To this end, we designed an introductory lesson that helps students learn to use common laboratory equipment such as analytical balances and micropipettes, analyze and present data in Google and Microsoft spreadsheet software, and perform simple descriptive and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing. In this lesson, students first learn to use micropipettes by pipetting specific volumes of water correctly and incorrectly. After determining the masses of the water samples pipetted, students enter the data into a shared Google spreadsheet and then use statistics to test a null hypothesis; ultimately, they determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the mass of water pipetted correctly versus incorrectly. Together, these activities introduce students to important data analysis and science process skills while also orienting them to basic laboratory equipment.

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Rob Levenson onto Biotechnology

It's a Substrate... It's a Protein...No - It's an Enzyme! Teaching Using 3D Serine Protease Physical Modeling Activities to Confront Misconceptions.

Reported misconceptions of enzyme-substrate interactions highlight the necessity for better, targeted instructional tools and assessments. A series of active learning activities with corresponding three-dimensional (3D) physical models were developed to target undergraduate biochemistry students’ conceptual understanding of space, electrostatic interactions, and stereochemistry in enzyme-substrate interactions. This lesson includes two activities utilizing physical models of elastase, chymotrypsin, and trypsin. These enzymes are widely taught in undergraduate biochemistry courses and are exceptional examples of a variety of enzyme paradigms. The Model Exploration activity guides students in an exploration of these models to connect conceptual and visual content. The Problem Solving activity uses two-dimensional representations of the physical models to further build student's understanding of enzyme-substrate interactions. These activities are implemented in two consecutive fifty-minute classes or alternatively combined for a seventy-five-minute class. These lessons are an inclusive, student-centered approach to teaching that enables students to confront misconceptions and promotes mastery of the material.

Primary image: Backbones and Surfaces and Substrates! Oh My! Undergraduate Biochemistry Students Working with the Serine Protease Model Set.

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Rob Levenson onto Biochemistry

Teaching the Central Dogma Using a Case Study of Genetic Variation in Cystic Fibrosis

The central dogma of biology is a foundational concept that is traditionally included in genetics curricula at all academic levels. Despite its ubiquitous presence throughout genetics education, students persistently struggle with both the fundamental and advanced topics of the central dogma. In particular, students conflate the role of genomic variations in DNA replication, transcription, and translation. As research and healthcare increasingly utilizes genomic medicine to link genetic variants to clinical phenotypes, it is critically important for biology and health science students to understand the role of genetic variation in molecular genetics. This lesson focuses on the role of missense mutations in the central dogma using a case study of cystic fibrosis. The case study is paired with a creative activity in which students draw the molecular parts of the central dogma. This helps students to connect the abstract concepts of the central dogma to a real-world clinical example. The effectiveness of this lesson was evaluated for two semesters of a Human Genetics course using end-of-unit exam questions. The active-learning lesson is an engaging activity that reinforces the role of genetic variation in the central dogma and the effects on clinical phenotypes. This lesson is highly customizable and adaptable to courses of various sizes, levels, course lengths, and teaching modalities.

Primary image: Molecular View of the Central Dogma. This drawing was produced by a student at Bloomsburg University’s Human Genetics course for Part 1 of this lesson.

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Rob Levenson onto Biotechnology


Data from a study on the amounts of low-density-lipoprotein (LDL), form of cholesterol, in blood plasma is presented. Students build, validate, and use a compartment model of the kinetic exchange of the LDL between body tissue and blood plasma.

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Rob Levenson onto Drug Design


We consider modeling of data from a clinical experiment administered as oral doses of 400 mg ibuprofen, an analgesic pain reliever. Concentrations of ibuprofen in the serum/plasma of the subjects were recorded after the initial ingestion of the drug.

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Rob Levenson onto Drug Design


pharmacokinetics modeling

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Profile picture of Rob Levenson

Rob Levenson onto Drug Design

Workshop Report: Summer 2020 Virtual CRISPR in the Classroom

list of CRISPR teaching resources

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Profile picture of Rob Levenson

Rob Levenson onto Biotechnology

Captioning Tip Sheet

the closed captioning symbol

A quick reference for captioners with guidance on caption placement, line division, fonts, editing, music, grammar, sound effects, speaker identification, and slang.

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Grackle Docs

image of a grackle in a speech bubble

A free browser add-on which checks Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets for accessibility issues, and directs you in how to fix the issues.

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Make your Google document or presentation more accessible

photograph of a gray laptop

Tips for making your Google docs more readable by everyone.

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Equity by Design: Delivering on the power and promise of UDL

Photo of the cover of the book Equity by Design

"Equity by Design is intended to serve as a blueprint for teachers to alter the all-too-predictable outcomes for our historically under-served students. A first of its kind resource, the book makes the critical link between social justice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) so that we can equip students (and teachers, too) with the will, skill, and collective capacity to enact positive change."

Chardin, M., & Novak, K. (2021). Equity by design: Delivering on the power and promise of UDL. Corwin A Sage Company.

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Profile picture of Suann Yang

Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

STEM OER Accessibility Framework: A Practical Guide for Curators and Authors of STEM Open Educational Resources

An image of the STEM OER Accessibility Framework's title page

A comprehensive practical reference for curators and authors of STEM OER. See also Jimes, C., Evans Godwin, A., Fox, S., Karaglani, A., Lobaito, N. (2021). STEM OER Accessibility Framework and Guidebook. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/ERXF-AH09

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Image Accessibility in STEM

person holding brown eyeglasses

A Canvas course module on image accessibility in STEM, designed for post-secondary faculty. It uses Silktide, which is a website accessibility simulator.

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Addressing Neurodiversity Through Universal Design

stylized and colorful image of a brain

Details special strategies for neurodiversity.

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning: 5 Strategies That Benefit Neurodiverse Students

cartoon of a student with a shadow of a caped figure at the foot of a staircase

Details special strategies for students with ADHD

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

image of the UDL Guidelines tool

Interactive tool to use for implementing the Universal Design for Learning.

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education

front cover image of the book Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone

A book by Thomas Tobin and Kristen Behling, written for "faculty members, faculty-service staff, disability support providers, student-service staff, campus leaders, and graduate students who want to strengthen the engagement, interaction, and performance of all college students."

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning