"Individual Reports for Problem Posing" 34 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Sam's activity

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Deb Linton Problem Posing

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Health Data Exploration with CODAP

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Deb Rook's Activity

An oldie but a goodie from Deb, updated with more data focus and introducing with the question activity.

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Barbara Spiecker's Climate Change & Transpiration Activity

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Problem Posing in Microbiology

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Plant Nutrient Experiment - student introduction to the question

I will use this to revamp how I introduce the term-long student experiment using FastPlants and student-collected data on different nutrient treatments.

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Sandi's Grand Plan - Sure to go awry!

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Sea Turtles rule!

High school virtual lab: the affect of light pollution on sea turtles nesting

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Profile picture of Carmel Bar

Carmel Bar onto Individual Reports for Problem Posing

Problem posing to promote discussion of primary literature - Wojdak

This is a poorly conceived assignment meant to help students create generative questions to lead peer discussions of primary literature, and to help student participants in a discussion to identify questions that if answered would aid their understanding of the paper. The latter is subtle, but "I don't understand X" isn't a question... whereas asking someone to wrestle with what they don't understand to generate a question helps clarify the unclarity.  

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Generating statistical modeling questions for multiple regression

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What questions can you ask with this dataset?

Final project for a data science class; problem-posing exercise will be to help groups start thinking about what questions they might want to ask

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Ticks, Lyme disease, and climate change (unfinished)

This is a Lyme disease and climate change activity that was modified from a High school ecology activity I made. In the high school activity, students are given graphs about ticks and climate change evidence and then students analyze those graphs and make predictions about tick prevalence and Lyme disease incidence. Here, students will actually analyze data about tick ranges, tick host range, and Lyme disease incidence themselves and draw their own conclusions about how climate change may or may not be affecting Lyme disease incidence and tick ranges.




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Vostok Ice Core Data

We have a dataset from the Vostock Ice Core where several atmospheric factors are reconstructed over 400,000 years.  Note that the current exercise has several quantitative/data goals already, but it is very “closed” in that all questions have an exact right answer (and all student output looks exactly the same, or it is wrong).  My goal was to make the exercise more "open".

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Questioning Piwi and Pluripotency

This Problem Posing Activity is used as a framework to set up the direction of the research for a sophomore research course.

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Menon_Individual problem posing

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