
Beyond territorial acknowledgments

Article describing territorial acknowledgements in Canada, their purpose and practice, and criticisms. 

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Land Acknowledgement Resources

Information about Native American tribes of Virginia

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Land Acknowledgement Resources

Are You Planning to do a Land Acknowledgement?

This is a copied Twitter thread hosted on the American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL) website. 

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Land Acknowledgement Resources

Crossing Paths: Increasing American Indian visibility to tell a more complete American story

Article describing Native American programming offered in Colonial Williamsburg

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto Land Acknowledgement Resources

Data Science for Undergraduates: Opportunities and Options

This is the site for the two reports on Data Science Undergraduate Education that arose from the National Academies Committee I served on. 

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Profile picture of Lou Gross

Lou Gross onto Data Science in Biology

Resources from The Promise and Practice of Inclusive Pedagogy by Bryan Dewsbury

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Faculty reflections

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Qualitative Student Surveys

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Quantitative Surveys

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Should we synthesize a human genome?

Two articles introducing the Human Genome Project-Write and asking questions about the ethics of the project.

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Ethics in synthetic biology

Should we resurrect a deadly virus?

This is an ethical reflection for students on an issue in genome engineering and the resurrection and synthesis of historically important, but potentially lethal viruses.  The case study asks students to reflect on material in this article. Also included is the grading rubric.

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Ethics in synthetic biology

Ethics of Metabolic engineering

This is an ethical reflection for students on an issue in metabolic engineering and the potential for "home-brew" morphine.  The case study asks students to reflect on material in this article. Also included is the grading rubric.

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Ethics in synthetic biology

Ethics of Gene Editing

This is an ethical reflection for students on an issue in gene editing.  The case study asks students to reflect on material in these two articles. Also included is the grading rubric.

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Ethics in synthetic biology

Loyola University Maryland BL322 course

This is a syllabus for a full semester Synthetic Biology course. It includes a lab that meets once a week for 4 hours. In one version of the course we performed synthesis of RFP and yeast Scramble and in another we performed RFP synthesis and phage synthesis. 

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Syllabi

Resources for Open Education

Some Useful links for Open Education curated by Karen Cangialosi

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Resources for Open Pedagogical Practices in Open Science

Spreadsheet of resources for open education curated by Karen Cangialosi Susan Whittemore

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BioSkills Guide

Nationally validated set of core competency learning outcomes. We are in the process of designing a user-friendly "brochure" and writing up the development process for publication. Links to both will be uploaded when available. While the Guide is still pre-publication, please include the following link when sharing:

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Profile picture of Alexa Clemmons

Alexa Clemmons onto BioSkills Learning Outcomes

BAG Network Overview

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Synthetic Yeast Assembly

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