
Guilford County Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

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Profile picture of Greg Goins

Greg Goins onto Photos of People Events and Materials


Help articles about posting to forums and forum notification settings. 

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto QUBES Help Articles


Help articles on creating and posting to Collections. 

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto QUBES Help Articles

Financial Math videos

Blog post from the BIG Network highlighting videos from IPAM international meeting on financial mathematics.

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Undergraduate Research Group Dynamics: Guidelines

This document summarizes our discussion about facilitating smooth group dynamics.  We start with a brief activity that brings awareness to issues of diversity and inclusion.

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Profile picture of Ami Radunskaya

Ami Radunskaya onto Diversity and Inclusion

Example of a Student Research Poster (BEAMER)

Example of student research poster made using LaTeX and Beamer.

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Profile picture of Erin N. Bodine

Erin N. Bodine onto LaTeX resources for students

Example of a Student Research Poster (BEAMER)

Example of a student research poster using LaTeX and Beamer

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Profile picture of Erin N. Bodine

Erin N. Bodine onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Partial derivatives

From Zach Tseng at PSU.  Handout on first and second partial derivatives.

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LaTeX Poster Template

Zip file (under "Download") includes style files and poster examples.

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Profile picture of Erica Graham

Erica Graham onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Multivariable Calculus I, II, III at Macalester

JMM presentation about multivariable Calculus I, II, III given by Chad Topaz

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto AALAC presentations

QUBES presentation at AALAC

QUBES presentation given by Carrie Diaz Eaton at the AALAC meeting

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto AALAC presentations

How to give a good talk by Uri Alon

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Profile picture of Nessy Tania

Nessy Tania onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Articles on Giving Good Scientific Talks

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Profile picture of Nessy Tania

Nessy Tania onto Writing & Presentation Tips

PowerPoint Poster Templates

Free PowerPoint research poster templates in various sizes & styles.

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Profile picture of Erica Graham

Erica Graham onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Undergraduate Research Poster Samples

Examples of student posters with listed strengths and "room for improvement" items.

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Profile picture of Erica Graham

Erica Graham onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Chad's Guide to Lit Searching for the Disinclined

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Profile picture of May Mei

May Mei onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Voices of the Partner Disciplines

This is an MAA Curriculum Foundations report: Voices of the Partner Disciplines.  When serving other disciplines, this report helps give you the language to talk to partner disciplines about topics that would interest them.

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Why model?

A summary of "why model?" easy paper for students to read.

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Pedagogical Readings

The Edges of Understanding

This article is an intro to modeling systems biology 

Abstract: A culture’s icons are a window onto its soul. Few would disagree that, in the culture of molecular biology that dominated much of the life sciences for the last third of the 20th century, the dominant icon was the double helix. In the present, post-modern, ‘systems biology’ era, however, it is, arguably, the hairball.

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Pedagogical Readings

Undergraduate research helps self-efficacy

Abstract from paper "Abstract: In this study, Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) is used to explore changes in the career intentions of students in an undergraduate research experience (URE) program at a large public minorityserving college. Our URE model addresses the challenges of establishing an undergraduate research program within an urban, commuter, underfunded, Minority-Serving Institution (MSI). However, our model reaches beyond a focus on retention and remediation toward scholarly contributions and shifted career aspirations. From a student’s first days at the College to beyond their graduation, we have encouraged them to explore their own potential as scientists in a coordinated, sequential, and self-reflective process. As a result, while the program’s graduates have traditionally pursued entry-level STEM jobs, graduates participating in mentored research are increasingly focused on professional and academic STEM career tracks involving post-graduate study. In addition to providing an increasingly expected experience and building students’ skills, participation in undergraduate research is seen to have a transformative effect on career ambitions for many students at MSIs. While undergraduate research is often thought of in context of majority-serving institutions, we propose that it serves as a powerful equalizer at MSIs. Building on the institutional characteristics that drive diversity, our students produce scholarly work and pursue graduate degrees, in order to address the long-standing under-representation of minorities in the sciences. # 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 54: 169–194, 2017"

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Diversity and Inclusion

Research Paper Template

LaTeX template for a research paper.  Includes explanation of what type of material should be included in each section, and examples of how to incorporate figures and tables.

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Profile picture of Erin N. Bodine

Erin N. Bodine onto LaTeX resources for students

Research Paper Template

LaTeX template for a research paper.  Includes explanation of what type of material should be included in each section, and examples of how to incorporate figures and tables.

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