Call for Working Group proposals - RIOS Institute

Summary: The RIOS Institute invites proposals for Working Groups that will function as innovation sandboxes or think tank incubators. Accepted proposals will receive a $2000 budget. Participants will bring new ideas and address challenges as they develop a tangible product aligned with the RIOS mission. Rolling deadline until Feb 15, 2022; decisions will be made within 2-4 weeks of proposal receipt. Go here to submit your Working Group proposal. For more information contact Dr. Karen Cangialosi (


RIOS Working Group participants will be active researchers and co-authors working together towards the construction of new knowledge (such as synthesis, pilot research, or translational work) to be disseminated in some way for the RIOS membership (such as through a white paper that may form the basis of a grant, a webinar, and/or a set of informational documents).

To support this work, we are offering a $2000 budget to be administered by RIOS for participant support, facilitator honoraria, and/or consultants. Working Groups are intended to meet regularly (weekly or biweekly) for no more than 3 months. Successful proposals for Working Groups will include an open call for participation to the RIOS Community unless otherwise justified. Working Group leaders will be mentored and supported by a RIOS team member. Working Group projects must align with the RIOS mission.

Proposal requirements:

Proposals can be made by all members of the RIOS and SCORE communities, should be 1-3 pages long, and should include:

  1. A statement of a problem to be explored or solved, or an area of concern to be addressed;
  2. The goals/objectives of the group;
  3. Contact information for the Working Group proposer(s) and area of expertise of any confirmed Working Group members;
  4. Culturally responsive recruitment plan;
  5. Expected outcomes or specific products;
  6. A timeline for activities and dissemination;
  7. Budget that indicates how funds ($2,000) will be distributed.

Evaluation criteria:

  1. Alignment with the RIOS Mission
  2. Clarity of problem statement, goals and expected outcomes
  3. Expertise and recruitment plan
  4. Clear timeline and budget aligned to the outcomes/creation of a specific product

Deadline: Rolling deadline until Feb 15, 2022, decisions will be made within 2-4 weeks of proposal receipt. Go here to submit your Working Group proposal. For more information contact Dr. Karen Cangialosi (

Example of a successful previous Working Group:

Tagging Ontologies Working Group (Summer 2021): This group’s participants explored possibilities for metadata systems which support inclusive and anti-racist Open Education Resources (OER). How we design our OER databases, search functions, and other systems sends a message to the community about what we value pedagogically. The working group focused in part on how systems of labeling and searching (“tagging”) OER can encourage anti-racist and decolonizing curriculum submissions in postsecondary STEM education. At the end of the working group period, the team produced a one-pager that became the basis of a full NSF grant. Following the conclusion of the working group, several group members, along with a few new individuals with additional expertise, finalized and submitted the grant.

  1. funding opportunities
  2. funding opportunity
  3. research working group
  4. rios
  5. working group

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