
UDL Mapping Activity

This activity guides faculty through analyzing a resource using the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines.

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Katie M. Sandlin onto UDL

Introduction to the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

Two activities for introducing Universal Design for Learning to a faculty audience

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Katie M. Sandlin onto UDL

Inclusive teaching strategies

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Pat Marsteller onto Inclusive Teaching Inventories

Working within a QUBES group


Interacting and sharing within a group

Sharing your group's work with the QUBES community

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Suann Yang onto Using QUBES

Resources for Learning About the UDL Framework

This document is a short overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – what it is and how it works – along with useful resources.

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning

photo of a colorful staircase

Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H. (2022). Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning. Universal Design for Learning, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/8EC1-V892

This trio of documents is written for faculty who want to get started with Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Introduction to the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
UDL Mapping Activity
Applying UDL to Existing Materials

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Suann Yang onto Universal Design for Learning

Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses

cover imag of Creating Significant Learning Experiences

Fink L. D. (2003). Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.  

This book  is insightful as it offers a new taxonomy of significant learning goals that instructors can set for their course using integrated course design. Examples of the three parts of learning - significant, active and educative are integrated into authentic assessments as examples of how to create impactful outcomes such as (value and lasting change)

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

The College Science Learning Cycle: An Instructional Model for Reformed Teaching

diagram of the CSLC

Withers M. The College Science Learning Cycle: An instructional model for reformed teaching. CBE Life Sci Educ. 15(4): 1-12.

The College Science Learning Cycle is a curriculum design process rooted in backwards design. This paper describes practical steps to revise existing curriculum based on best practices in scientific teaching and provides examples of implementation.

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

The Problem of Revealing How Students Think: Concept Inventories and Beyond

photo of a notebook and pen on a table

Smith JI and Tanner K. The problem of revealing how students think: concept inventories and beyond. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2010;9:1–5.  

An alternative approach to transforming our novice undergraduates into expert biological scientist thinkers with tools that can aid in revealing student thinking and in analyzing what we can do to support or hinder scientific literacy. 

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Understanding by Design: A Framework for Effecting Curricular Development and Assessment

Roth, D. Understanding by Design: A framework for effecting curricular development and assessment. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2017; 6:2, 95-97. 

This is a popular design model in K-12 instructional setting dividing instructional planning into three phases.The main idea is to  essentially place the “horse” of alignment of outcomes and assessment back in front of the “cart” of instructional design. It helps align some of the major misconceptions of how understanding differs from knowledge and how we know when students have attained that mastery or competency of the desired goal. 

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

From Biology to Mathematical Models and Back: Teaching Modeling to Biology Students, and Biology to Math and Engineering Students

Photos of hexagonal tables without and with students seated around them

Chiel HJ, McManus JM, Shaw KM. From biology to mathematical models and back: teaching modeling to biology students, and biology to math and engineering students. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2010;9:248–265.  

Examples of courses that teach mathematical analysis or modeling skills to biology students with an interest in articulating clear educational goals based on a constructivist approach is central to this paper. Reconstructing and introducing assessments that are tightly tied to educational goals with an emphasis on assessing student progress based on their ability to analyze new data is an important barrier in measuring for continuous progress.

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school

cover image of How People Learn

Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (Eds.). (1999). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington, DC: National Research Council. Backward Design for Forward Action.

A description of some key areas that are relevant to a deeper understanding of a student's learning experience: learning as an active process, adaptive experience of learning, learning for understanding, and role of prior knowledge. A summary of research findings on the physiological and cultural influences on student learning is described.

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Suann Yang onto Backward Design

Sample DEI Statement by Derek Braun

This sample DEI Statement is written by Derek Braun, Professor at Gallaudet University and BioGraphI Steering Committee member. He includes this statement in his syllabi.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

Sample DEI Statements (The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University)

This resource from Brown University's Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning begins with guiding questions to ask yourself before crafting a DEI statement. Sample statements follow the questions.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

Creating an inclusive syllabus

This resource from the Center for Teaching Excellence at University of Kansas is a useful tool for creating an inclusive syllabus. It includes a sample DEI statement near the end of the page.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

Knowing your own: A classroom case study using the scientific method to investigate how birds learn to recognize their offspring

A useful in-class activity to learn about the scientific method and predictive data visualization

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Profile picture of Charles Willis

Charles Willis onto BIOL 1001 Lessons

Samples of diversity statements and how to write them

This website also includes background information on the beneficial reasons for including diversity statements in our syllabi.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

Samples of diversity and inclusion syllabus statements

This set of samples was compiled by Clemson's Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement of the RCN for Evolution in Changing Seas

This example is from a network of marine biologists.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

UC San Diego Principles of Community

This example from UC San Diego is intended to apply to all groups of people in all positions at the institution. You can use your institution's statement as a starting point for your own, describing how your commitments and actions contribute to or build upon that of your institution.

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Suann Yang onto DEI Statements

Professional Development Opportunities in Mindfulness and Equity

Here are some professional development opportunities I have found. Feel free to add more! 

Neurodecolonization and Indigenous Mindfulness is a project by Michael Yellow Bird, PhD from the University of Manitoba 

White Awake waking ourselves up for the benefit of all (for white identifying folx)

Mindfulness for the People Radically Reimagining the Mindfulness Movement was inspired by our dream to center Black and Brown folx in all things mindfulness research, teaching, practice, and tech. 

Academics for Black Survival and Wellness and Wells Healing is a personal and professional development initiative for Non-Black academics to honor the toll of racial trauma on Black people, resist anti-Blackness and white supremacy, and facilitate accountability and collective action. A4BL also is a space for healing and wellness for Black people.

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National Park Service: The Discomfort Zone

Are you comfortable? If yes, then you’re not learning. According to Farrah Storr, the speaker of this TED Talk and author who wrote “The Discomfort Zone: How to Get What You Want by Living Fearlessly,” you only find personal greatness by stepping out of your comfort zone.

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Empowering Education: Trauma-Informed Mindfulness

Intended for a K-12 audience but concepts can be adapted for any learning community. 

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